Sunday, November 14, 2010

Zach and Collie

Here's the cute family! We love them so much! Zach, Collie, and Easton. Easton has grown up so much! He can now spell out his name, count to 10, and sing many songs! He is so smart! They live up in Heber in the cutest house ever! The only thing we don't like about it is it's so far away! :D But they still come down and visit! We're very grateful to have all of them in our family! Collie is also expecting! It's just going to be a house full of babies and i'm so excited! Collie and Erin are just 6 days apart so the cousins will be in heaven!!
Zach, Collie, and Easton at Levi and Erin's Wedding!
Lion King!
Cutie patutie!
He is such a happy little boy!

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