Sunday, November 14, 2010

Zach and Collie

Here's the cute family! We love them so much! Zach, Collie, and Easton. Easton has grown up so much! He can now spell out his name, count to 10, and sing many songs! He is so smart! They live up in Heber in the cutest house ever! The only thing we don't like about it is it's so far away! :D But they still come down and visit! We're very grateful to have all of them in our family! Collie is also expecting! It's just going to be a house full of babies and i'm so excited! Collie and Erin are just 6 days apart so the cousins will be in heaven!!
Zach, Collie, and Easton at Levi and Erin's Wedding!
Lion King!
Cutie patutie!
He is such a happy little boy!

Levi and Erin....

Well as many of you know, Levi got married (weird I know, ha jk!) He married Erin, and we absolutely adore her! She had a little girl, Aislyn. She is such a princess! They are happily married. Levi is still working for my dad and Erin makes cards and helps mom with the pre-school sometimes. They are living in our basement apartment and it is so much fun! They are expecting another baby on June 2nd and I am so so excited! Another little one running around! :D Love them both!
Cute family picture!!

Here is a picture from their wedding! So cute!
Aislyn, isn't she just so adorable!
Cheese Face!
This is how they told us! It says, "this little monkey is going to be a BIG SISTER!"


Now it's my turn to talk about my wonderful sister! She seriously is the greatest ever! She's definitely my favorite sister in this whole world! :D Anyways, Jana is now 20 years old! (she's an old fart! ha jk she's still soooo young!) She is at BYU Idaho for school. She is going to graduate in December with her RN! She just amazes me! She is now just trying to figure out what she wants to do next! I miss her like crazy but she is loving school so much! Here are some pics!
Jana was an EFY Counselor this past summer!
This is her roommate, Meagan. They're so much fun!
Here is Jana, isn't she just gorgeous!!


Now I'll talk a bit about Cole. Most people who read this will probably know all this, but oh well its fun! ha But Cole is now 12 years old! It's so crazy! He is now in young mens, and loves it as far as I know. He goes to Evergreen Jr. High and absolutely LOVES it. He's not a huge fan of all the homework, but he loves everything else! He loves to annoy his big sister.... but he really is a great little brother!

Cole and the "nectar of God's" as they would call it.
Cole and Dad at a camp out.
Cole just being Cole!
He was on student council in 6th grade and this was his picture he put on his poster! Such a cutie!


So I guess I will start off with me. I am a senior in high school and just lovin' it. I am taking cosmetology classes at the GTI, two choir classes (Vocal Ensemble and Concert Choir), seminary, and creative writing. As much as I love high school, I am ready to be done with it!! I am teaching private dance lessons and choreographing dances for Ensemble. I was in the musical Curtains this year at Olympus High school. It was very fun but lots of work. I'm pretty much just lovin' life, its great! The pictures below are the pictures from my photo shoot from drill team last year!


Wow, I totally forgot that we even had this, and my parents of course don't know how to use it. But I will get better. Even though our life isn't very exciting, I'll post some stuff about it anyways!!! :D